What Is A Sump Pump And How Does It Work? 

Mar 25, 2022 | Plumbing

If you’ve never heard of a sump pump, don’t worry – you’re not alone! A sump pump is an important piece of equipment for many homes, but it’s not something that most people know about. In this article, we will discuss what a sump is and explain how it works. We’ll also talk about the different types of sump pumps and discuss the pricing of sump pumps. If you’re in need of a sump pump or are just curious about them, read on!


What Is A Sump Pump?


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A bunch of drainage pipes


A sump is a type of pump that is used to remove water that has accumulated in a sump basin. A sump basin is typically located in the basement of a home and collects water that seeps in from the foundation or basement walls. The water is then pumped out of the basin by the sump pump and away from the home.

Sump pumps and sewage pumps are frequently confused with one another. However, they are not the same thing. Sump pumps deal with additional water; sewage pumps, on the other hand, handle waste. They do look alike, and both are used in home basements. Sump pumps are an important part of many homes, as they help keep the basement dry and free from flooding.


How Does It Work?


A flooded street


The way a sump pump works is actually quite simple. Water enters the sump basin through drains or other openings in the foundation or walls. The water then accumulates in the basin until it reaches a certain level, at which point the sump pump is activated. The pump then kicks on and begins to pump water out of the basin and away from the home.


Where Should A Sump Pump Drain To?


A drainage pipe


A sump pump removes water from your basement, and a pipe discharges it to a designated region such as a dry well, creek or pond, or even a neighborhood drain. Make sure the drain point you choose isn’t where water will return to your house. Keep the pump 10 to 20 feet away from your home’s foundation. Building codes may restrict where your sump pump can drain, so always double-check with your local government.



Types Of Sump Pumps


Submersible Pumps: This is the most common type of sump pump. It is typically placed in a pit in the basement floor and uses a float switch to activate the pump when water reaches a certain level.

Pedestal Pumps: A pedestal pump is a type of sump pump that can be used in homes that do not have a basement or where the water level in the basement is too high for a submersible pump. The pedestal sump pump sits on top of the floor and uses a long pipe to reach down into the water.


A pipe leaking water


Water-Powered Sump Pumps: This type of sump pump uses your home’s water pressure to power the pump. They are more expensive than other types of sump pumps but are a good option for homes that do not have electricity or where the power is unreliable.

Battery-operated backup pump: A sump pump with a battery backup system protects you from flood damage and is an excellent safeguard against water damage. Even when there is a power outage during a storm, your sump pump may run on battery power with a float switch. If the electricity goes out, the main source of power for the primary pump also goes out. Water levels in the basin rise, and your float switch is activated, triggering your backup sump pump.


Cost Of A Sump Pump


A series of pipes


The typical cost of a basement submersible sump ranges from $100 to $400, with prices ranging from $500 to $1000 for sump pumps with commercial applications. Below is a list of considerations for calculating the cost of the right sump pump in your home:

Type Of Sump Pump: The price of a pump will be influenced by the kind you choose. The material used to construct the sump pump, size, horsepower, extra features, and batteries might all impact the pricing.

Basement material: Sump pump installation costs will depend on several factors, including the floor of your basement. If you want to put a pump in your basement, but the ground is made of cement or concrete, a sump pit must be created where you intend to install it. Labor costs are considerably greater when the cement is thicker.

Drainage: If your city demands a drainage point at a distance from your home, yard drainage lines or extension hoses may raise the price of installation. They can also be dangerous to your lawn and even freeze in the winter.

Permits: Permits cost differently depending on where you live, so it’s a good idea to budget ahead of time. The laws also provide you with a framework for calculating the cost of the task.

Sump pump accessories: There are a few essential accessories you’ll need for your pump, including a check valve, a discharge pipe, pressure switch, and a float valve.

Licensed professional: If you know what you’re doing, DIYing the sump pump may save you some money. However, if you aren’t sure, it is preferable to hire an expert. The cost of installation is less than that of treating a flooded basement.


Need A Licensed Professional To Help With Your Sump Pump?

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We offer commercial plumbing services with years of expertise. For 35 years, we have provided dependable sewer and plumbing services in Pasadena, Glen Burnie, Linthicum, Annapolis, Baltimore, and the surrounding areas.

Give us a service call today at 410-255-9300 or Get a quote online to request our services.

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